5/2021 – Fire Safety Requirements for Emergency Lighting System in Licensed/Registered Premises10/2/2021 Fire Safety Requirements for Emergency Lighting System in Licensed/Registered Premises This Circular Letter serves to announce two revised sets of fire safety requirements for emergency lighting systems with central power supply and self-contained luminaires emergency lighting systems, i.e. Requirements for Emergency Lighting Systems with Central Power Supply [PPA/104 (5th Revision)] and Requirements for Self-contained Luminaires Emergency Lighting Systems [PPA/104(A) (5th Revision)], which are to be imposed by this Department on various licensed/registered premises such as food premises, cinemas / theatres, places of public entertainment, child care centres, non-designed schools, massage establishments, etc. Meanwhile, the FSD Circular Letter No. 1/2006 is hereby superseded by this Circular Letter.
Since the promulgation of FSD Circular Letter No. 1/2006, two sets of fire safety requirements for emergency lighting systems to be used in licensed/registered premises, viz. PP A/104 ( 4th Revision) and PP A/104(A) ( 4th Revision), have been released for observance by the concerned trades and practitioners for years. With a view to keeping the fire safety requirements in pace with technological advancement and to enhancing the fire safety standards in licensed/registered premises, a Sub-working Group of Fire Safety Standard Advisory Group was set up and tasked to conduct a holistic review on the fire safety requirements. Subsequent to the comprehensive discussion and rounds of consultations with the trades concerned, the fire safety requirements for emergency lighting systems with central power supply and self-contained luminaires emergency lighting systems for licensed/registered premises have been revised. The two revised sets of requirements, viz. PPA/104 (5th Revision) and PPA/104(A) (5th Revision) are attached at Appendix I and Appendix II and they can also be downloaded from the FSD's official website. Apart from updating of relevant requirements with reference to the current international/national standards, main areas of revision are as follows: (a) Minimum fire resisting cable requirements for Fire Service Installations as specified in FSD Circular Letter No. 2/2017; (b) Routine inspection and test for emergency lighting systems conforming to relevant requirements of BS EN 50172: 2004; (c) Provision of escape lighting in facility which 1s part of an escape route [applicable to PPA/104 (5th Revision) only]; (d) Performance verification for emergency lighting systems [applicable to PPA/104 (5th Revision) only]; and (e) Minimum period of 2-hour (rated duration) specified for self-contained luminaires emergency lighting systems [applicable to PPA/104(A) (5th Revision) only] In order to allow the trades and practitioners concerned to get prepared for the changes involved in the revision of fire safety requirements, the two revised sets of fire safety requirements will be imposed on licensed/registered premises for all submissions of applications received by respective licensing authority or by this Department with effect from 1.6.2022.
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Annual Inspection Checklist for Water SuppliesThis letter serves to announce the introduction of an annual inspection checklist to
facilitate annual inspection (AI) of water supplies by Registered Fire Service Installation Contractors (RFSICs). The AI checklist for water supplies (Annex) is devised by making reference to different codes and standards and upon extensive consultation with local trade members. It also specifies the minimum requirements for conducting Ais of transfer pumping installations which are used to refill fire service installation water tank(s). Items listed in the checklist and its table, if applicable to the water supplies in the buildings/premises, shall be inspected/tested. RFSICs shall, after inspection, complete the checklist by indicating, where appropriate, whether the inspected and tested items conform to the standards/requirements as stipulated in the Code of Practice for Minimum Fire Service Installations and Equipment (the version that is relevant to the buildings/premises). This apart, RFSICs shall duly observe the principles and requirements regarding "Completion of checklists for Al" and "Duty and responsibility of RFSICs" as stated in FSD Circular Letter No. 4/2019 "Annual Inspection Checklists for Fire Hydrant/Hose Reel Systems and Supply Tanks" issued on 13 December 2019. It is important for RF SI Cs to note that they shall bear the ultimate responsibility for certifying that the FSis are in efficient working order and conform to the requirements specified in the Codes of Practice for Minimum Fire Service Installations and Equipment and Inspection, Testing and Maintenance of Installation and Equipment. To allow more time for the trade to acquaint themselves with the new arrangement and practice, the AI checklist for water supplies will take effect on 1 November 2021. The new arrangement will be reviewed after 12 months of its implementation. Meanwhile, checklists for other fire service installations and equipment will be devised for promulgation in due course. Standard for Fire Detection and Fire Alarm Systems for BuildingsThis Circular Letter serves to announce the adoption, with local modifications, of the British Standard 5839-1: 2017 (Incorporating Corrigendum No.I) Fire Detection and Fire Alarm Systems for Buildings - Part 1: Code of practice for design, installation, commissioning and maintenance of systems in non-domestic premises (the "Standard").
Following the introduction of the Standard, the Fire Services Department (FSD) has reviewed the specifications for Fire Detection and Fire Alarm Systems for Buildings as well as the corresponding Testing and Commissioning Checklist which was issued via FSD Circular Letter No. 1/2015. The review was conducted by a Sub-working Group of the Fire Safety Standard Advisory Group which was set up and tasked to assess the feasibility and practicability of adopting the Standard and make necessary revisions to the Testing and Commissioning Checklist. After comprehensive discussions and extensive consultations with the trade and other interested parties, the Sub-working Group has meticulously formulated a Technical Guidance by making reference to the figures, tables and other technical details of the Standard. Except for the clauses/parts of the Standard covered in the Technical Guidance, all other clauses/parts in the recommendations of the Standard should be followed directly. Relevant clauses/parts of the Standard specified in Part 2 of the Technical Guidance are either "not to be applied locally", "to be revised" or "for reference only" with due consideration given to local circumstances and relevant codes requirements. The Technical Guidance is intended to facilitate local trade to apply the Standard in Hong Kong. It should be read in conjunction with the Standard, including the Notes and Recommendations, and relevant codes requirements quoted therein. Ref. Number and date should be quoted in reference. Apart from updating of relevant requirements with reference to the Standard, main areas of revision of the Testing and Commissioning Checklist for Fire Detection and Fire Alarm System for Buildings are as follows: (a) Requirement of smoke detectors in residential flat with open kitchen; (b) Ceiling height limit for different type of detectors; ( c) Minimum fire resisting cable requirements for FSI as specified in FSD Circular Letter No.2/2017; and ( d) System integrity requirements for linear heat detection system. The modifications specified in the Technical Guidance attached to this letter, the British Standard 5839-1:2017 (Incorporating Corrigendum No. I) and the revised Testing and Commissioning Checklist are to be adopted as the standard referred to in the Codes of Practice for Minimum Fire Service Installations and Equipment and Inspection, Testing and Maintenance of Installations and Equipment. The Technical Guidance and the revised Testing and Commissioning Checklist are attached at Appendix I and Appendix II and they can also be downloaded from the FSD's. |